Bowen Therapy in Havelock North.
Louise offers opportunities for you to help your team improve their movement and prevent injury or recovery from aches and pains.
Sitting sessions can offer an experience of gaining relief for various pains even in hands and feet, back and neck and shoulders.
Can Bowen Therapy Help me?
Bowen Therapy helps with many conditions.
I could try to name all the conditions that Bowen Therapy has had very good results with. I recently I have been asked frequently, does Bowen Therapy help with plantar fascitis? Yes Bowen Therapy does.
Most gain full recovery. Therapists also use strapping to help with the recovery of a number of foot and knee and wrist conditions.
Backpain, Neck pain, shoulder pain, Shoulder restriction. Limb swelling, problems with circulation, Buttock pain, Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Hamstring strain, Migraines, headaches. Insomnia, Period pain, constipation, shortness of breath. Stiffness in neck shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, midback. Arthritis symptoms.
It is a joy when I get messages saying "this is the best I have felt in years"
Who is Bowen Therapy suitable for?
The Bowen Technique is suitable for all ages.
How long is a treatment ?
The first session may take up to 55 minutes, as additional time is taken to understand your situation, take a detailed history and conduct assessments.– subsequent treatments may take 30 -55 minutes.
What should I wear ?
Please ensure clothing is loose. Stretchy jeans or tight/slippery clothing may result in a much less effective treatment.
What next after treatment?
After a session with me, it's important to keep moving. Don't sit down for more than 20 minutes afterwards. Get up and move around for a bit before sitting down again. I'll often show you useful exercises to aid your recovery. Drink plenty of fluids.
How many treatments would I need ?
On average, most people see results within 1-3 sessions spaced out 5-10 days apart. While chronic problems may take longer to resolve, many feel immediate benefits, and enjoy maintenance sessions to keep their bodies attention on areas needing more change. Some clients keep returning to keep their body in great shape and prevent problems from returning.

Bowen Therapy - for shoulders, neck and back pain.

Bowen Therapy - to improve sport performance and injury recovery.

Bowen Therapy - for anxiety, insomnia, migraines, hayfever and more.