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Gaining easier movement


March 7, 2025

Sciatica Pain and How Bowen Therapy can help

One important nerve that you must know about is the sciatic nerve. It is known to be the largest and widest nerve in the body, given that is it comprised of 5 nerve roots. The sciatic nerve innervates the lower back and the lower extremities, travelling from the lower spine down to each leg.The main purpose of the sciatic nerve is to supply impulses to the muscles of the lower legs. It can also relay information to the sole, ankle, and back of the thigh. All these functions are possible since th...

September 22, 2024

Bowen Therapy and Mental Health: A Holistic Approach to Healing

In the realm of holistic health, Bowen Therapy has emerged as a powerful and gentle modality for addressing a myriad of physical ailments. However, its benefits extend far beyond physical health, playing a significant role in improving mental health and overall well-being. This blog explores the intricate connections between Bowen Therapy and mental health, shedding light on how this therapy can be a valuable tool in fostering emotional balance and resilience.What is Bowen Therapy?Bowen Therapy,...

May 26, 2024

Retired nurses try Bowen Therapy


May 26, 2024

What is The Bowen Technique

What is the Bowen Technique?The Original Bowen Technique (also known as Bowtech and Bowenwork) is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that was developed by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong, Australia. Sometimes called the homeopathy of bodywork, it utilizes subtle inputs to the body (known as moves), stimulating the body to heal itself, often profoundlyThe Bowen Technique offers tremendous benefit to clients with very little effort on the part of the practitioner. It can provid...

September 6, 2023

Pilates - adding Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy could be your missing link of why you are continuing to feel discomfort no matter how many Pilates reformer alignment classes you attend.  Have a assessment done with Louise in Havelock North to see what is going on in your body that is holding you back from getting rid of your aches and pains.  Louise finds that once the muscle spasms have been released in sessions following the first session then the body keeps the improved alignment and balance.  Pilates after thi...

August 29, 2023


USA, England and Canada are ahead of the game when it comes to gaining great results in a shorter period of time.  Bowen Therapists have been uterlizing the Bowen technique concussion protocol for many years now in these places.The typical adverse result of concussion Mish-Mash of physical, mental and conscious imbalances:Disturbs consciousnessDisrupts physical functionDisturbs the critical co-ordination of the twoWith concussion research has shown that there is an increase in neurotra...

August 15, 2023

Students benefit from Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy helps people of all ages.  When it comes to our teenagers, the rewards of the therapy can be numerous.  With the stress of study, staying alert is important.  With long hours spent in front of a device the neck and back can feel strain.  Sleep can be helped, as well as the body in general.  Bowen Therapy is a great way to allow your teenager to zone out, and have a full body reboot.  Louise is experienced in a number of assessment techniques, and ensur...

March 20, 2023

Constipation and children

I had my own struggles with one of my children troubled by constipation, hard stools, and inability to pass a motion.  Too scared to go to the loo.  it can end up being a struggle that goes on for months.Solution given by doctors is laxatives.  Usually unpleasant sweet tasting lactulose.I wish I had known about Bowen therapy for my child.  ...

March 3, 2023

Bowen Therapy Havelock North


November 24, 2022

What is Bowen Therapy- magazine article reshared


August 3, 2022

Back Pain

Back pain is the leading cause of days off work.  Taking pain killers to help keep moving or help you sleep, is like a temporary band aid.  Not reviewing what has happened to your body over time that has you in this way will be compounding the problem and creating others, including fatigue, stress, perhaps anger and irritability. Louise practices Bowen Therapy.  This most incredible technique that has your tensions melting away with gentle moves over muscles ligaments, nerves and ...

July 28, 2022

Chiropractor treatment for 18 months?

If you have had many chiropractor treatments and still your chiropractor does not suggest trying another therapy, but you are still not better, off, then its time to do what a new client did today and try Bowen Therapy.  The change that occurred in the session, and minutes before leaving the session had her very excited.  "while we have been talking my back and shoulders and neck have been loosening up more and making little clicking noises in my spine"TRY BOWEN THERAPY WITH LOUISE....

June 10, 2022

Chest tightness

Injuries can create different pains all over the body, and sometimes the body reacts weeks later, like in a whiplash.  Bowen Therapy works on your body as a whole, understanding that the site of pain is at times not where the work needs to be done.  Unbeknown to a client, her sternal area needed help and was only obvious when it was very tender on palpation.  Her Hip pain, lower back pain and thumb pain were gone after the first two sessions. Assessment led to alignment issues in ...

May 3, 2022 Posts 1-14 of 14 | Page